
I am a Full-Stack Developer skilled at writing well-designed and efficient code using current best practices. Fast learner, hard worker, and team player proficient in various languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript, and Java.




EverTransit is a leading-edge fleet management tool. It helps you manage your fleet cheaper, faster, and easier with the industry's most advanced technology.



Functions-Store is a marketplace of Google Cloud Functions. Developers can install and configure Cloud Functions with a click of a button.



paquete.io is a solution that helps simplify the package management process in buildings.



Rainbow-Modules includes a collection of components, fully integrated with Firebase, that will help you to build apps.



React-Rainbow-Components is an open-source project, with a collection of components that will help you build your application in a faster way.

Pizza App

Pizza App

TypeScript, React, React Router DOM v6, React Query, Context API, Formik, Styled Components, Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, Heroku, Netlify

TULOGO E-commerce

TULOGO E-commerce

TypeScript, React, Redux, React Query, JWT, Formik, Styled Components, Bootstrap, Node, Express, MySQL, Railway, Netlify

Effortless React

Effortless React

TypeScript, React, Storybook, Styled Components, Github Pages


HTML5CSS3SassJavaScriptTypeScriptGraphQLstyled-componentsReactReact QueryReact Hook FormReact RouterReduxStorybookBootstrapNode.jsNestJSExpressJestCypressGitHubGitPostmanVisual Studio CodeSpring BootPythonJSON Web TokensSocket.ioMongoDBMySQLRedisAWS LambdaFirebaseDockerBitbucketHeroku


Full-Stack TypeScript DeveloperDealer Automation TechnologiesJun 2023 - Present · 1 yr 10 mosMiami, Florida, United States · HybridFull-Stack Developer skilled in both front-end and back-end development, and with a strong use of AWS. My main job is to use MongoDB, GraphQL, React, and Node.js, alongside Amazon Web Services (AWS), to create, build, and launch modern serverless web applications.

Senior Software EngineerHexaware Technologies · Full-timeJul 2021 - Jun 2023 · 2 yrsGuadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico · RemoteSenior Software Engineer of a data exchange application (DEx) using TypeScript, ReactJS, and Office JavaScript API (Office.js). The DEx is an Excel add-in platform for managing taxes where users can share data between different workbooks. As a senior software engineer, I handled and processed a large number of data on the client side and improved the performance of the application. Developed and implemented new features using Clean Code principles and best practices.

Full-Stack JavaScript DeveloperNexxtway · FreelanceApr 2020 - Jul 2021 · 1 yr 4 mosGuadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico · RemoteSpecialized in front-end development using JavaScript, ReactJS, and Styled Components, and backend development using Node.js and MongoDB. Conducted unit and integration tests using Jest, and Cypress. Implemented and maintained Function Store, a marketplace of Google Cloud Functions, and EverTransit products which is a leading-edge fleet management tool. Worked on developing and maintaining React-rainbow-components and Rainbow-modules which are open-source React libraries.

Full-Stack Java DeveloperETECSA · Full-timeSep 2016 - Dec 2018 · 2 yrs 4 mosHavana, Cuba · On-siteSpecialized in web development and database administration using a variety of languages and technologies. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and JQuery for the front-end development, Java, Spring Boot for the backend development, and PostgreSQL for the database. Developed the TelPub web application that allowed the ETECSA employees to manage the data generated by the Public Telephone department and increased company efficiency and productivity by 80%.


Master of Science in Electronics Engineering, Deep Learning and Computer Vision.

Jan 2019 - May 2021 · 2 yrs 5 mos

Technological Institute of Celaya. Celaya, Mexico

Thesis: “Electronic System for Detecting Potholes and Speed Bumps for Cars”. Focus on Electronics, Deep Learning and Computer Vision using Python in an NVIDIA Jetson Nano.

Telecommunication and Electronics Engineer

Sep 2011 - Jun 2016 · 4 yrs 10 mos

José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana-Cujae. Havana, Cuba

Thesis: “Vibration measurement for leak detection in water distribution networks ˮ. Focus on digital signal processing using Python in a Raspberry Pi.